For the nine months corresponding to the school year – that is, from the second Monday in September until the second Monday in June, I ask that my private students follow certain guidelines regarding attendance and fees. During this time, please pay for each month’s lessons at the beginning of the month; as far as cancellations and so on, a total of eight lessons can be canceled or rescheduled in this period, but no more than four can be canceled – otherwise, students are responsible to pay for missed lessons – within these guidelines, I will credit any lessons that you miss to the next month. During the summer, I’m flexible – students can pay and set up appointments by the lesson – however, if you wish to reschedule or cancel a lesson, winter or summer, you must do so the evening before at latest, or I will consider it a missed lesson. If there is an emergency or the student becomes ill during the day, I often charge half price or nothing at all if I am notified before the lesson, depending on the circumstances and whether I end up committing the time on the road anyway.

Because lesson arrangements are completely open in the summer, I take relatively few days off in the winter: unless we specifically make other arrangements, you can expect that I will be teaching every day except for Thanksgiving day, the day before Christmas, Christmas day, and New Year’s day. I do occasionally need to miss lessons myself because of performing and other obligations – in this case I will let you know in advance and will offer to reschedule or cancel at your convenience. I also guarantee to arrive within 15 minutes after the scheduled lesson time on any given day – if I am later than that, you can also reschedule or cancel at your convenience: in both of these cases, this is my responsibility and doesn’t relate to the limits mentioned earlier. The number of cancellations and so on allowed is of course proportional to the frequency of the lessons and when in the year you start, if it’s your first year with me.